Seth G. Nadel
Seth G. Nadel was sent down by the Lord himself to fill the world full of happiness and nerd-rock. When he met up with ToupeeJeff, he was only knee high to a grasshopper, but they knew they would go on to conquer the world through their endeavors into the uncharted land of nerd-rock. Seth does most of the song writing for the Edible Nightmares and plays guitar, electric and acoustic, accordion, and uses his vocal capabilites to make this world a better place. While Seth posses Super-Hero powers, he has retired his crime fighting routine to pursue a career in music.
Some of his hobbies include: luring women by drowning himself in Tommy Hilfiger cologne, dazzling foreigners and tourists with polka classics on his accordion, arguing with ToupeeJeff over musical integrity, hanging out (well basically almost living on) St. Marx Place, and pulling some mean guitar licks for the ladies while rocking out with the Edible Nightmares. Like, ToupeeJeff, Seth also enjoys entertaining and peddling his wares on the New York City Subways.
Send Seth G. some e-mail and tell him your dirty secrets!